Title: Aircooled Rescue

Hello Chris. I really love your site!

Where did you get the idea?
I got the idea from a similar site that used to exist way back in the day. The site was: www.type2.com/rescue/ but you needed to write the guy an email to update your information, and he stopped maintaining it back in 2010, so that's why I built this one. People can come and go and change their info as they please without human intervention. 

How long has the sight been up?
I built the site maybe...3 years ago. I think it went live in February of 2012, after a weekend or so of writing it. I actually haven't touched it since then, it just keeps chugging along and people continue to register and  put their locations on the map. I think I posted a link on the samba once back then, and since then people have shared the site through blogs or word of mouth. 

How does the site work?
I really appreciate simplicity, so I wanted to keep the site simple and easy to use. Really you just put your location on the map and add what help you are willing and able to provide, like tools and space to work on a broken bus/vanagon/whatever, or just coffee and conversation. Travellers can look on the map for who's around them and if they're logged in they can see the contact information of the person on the map.
What does it mean to "send karma"?
Karma is just a way to write a comment on someone's profile to say thanks. Flagging the information is a way to say that the person hasn't been responding, which is useful for when people change phone numbers or emails.
Have you heard of any "rescue" stories?
I haven't been told directly of any rescue stories yet, but judging by the comments left on Amskeptic's profile (http://aircooledrescue.com/#show/1726) it looks like he's helped quite a few people out. 

Any other questions, let me know. Always happy to chat. 

Thanks Chris! It is a great thing you have done for the Air-cooled community! And a great thing the many rescuers have and will do for other "volks". Keep up the good work!